Element of Surprise

The Element of Surprise

The Element of Surprise

The Element of Surprise is a fun little virtual analog polysynth that is designed to make really cool randomly generated sounds. Made for fast inspiration and experiments in spontaneous song writing, the randomizer has been carefully adjusted so that it provides something potentially useful nearly every time.Under the hood, there is a full synth with multiple oscillators, filters, various types of modulation, and effects, all optimized to provide a wide variety of usable randomly generated sounds. But since they are all created randomly, don’t expect to always run into normal sounding presets. Often you will find lots of interesting textures and moving, twisting, filtered sounds. If these are not the kinds of sounds you are used to using in your music then that is even better because experimenting with new kinds of sounds may lead your music in directions you might not have thought to go in before…and the results of those experiments may surprise you.

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