SevenDelay is a stereo delay using 7th order Lagrange interpolated fractional delay.
It is 7 times oversampled. Suitable for making sound with actively changing delay time by hand or DAW automation.
- 0.1 ms to 8 s delay time. Parameters are tuned towards short delay.
- All parameters are smoothed.
- Parameter smoothing can be controlled by user.
- Continuous change between normal, inverse, ping-pong and other panning.
- High-pass and all-pass filter for feedback.
- Negative feedback.
- Tempo sync for [1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, …, 7.5, 8]/16 beat.
- An LFO for delay time and all-pass cutoff.
SevenDelay_x86 ( 0.6 MB )
SevenDelay_x64 ( 0.7 MB )
SevenDelay_Linux ( 4.7 MB )