SN04-G is a hybrid character 3-band channel EQ.
It comes with basic surgical capabilities, LP/HP section, adjustable output volume and phase, and optional “analog modeling”. It’s designed with ASIO/CPU footprint that allows it to live across all channels of a project as a virtual console EQ.
- HF: +/-18dB shelf or bell filter with variable bandwidth and 7 switchable frequencies.
- MF: +/-18dB bell filter with variable bandwidth and 7 switchable frequencies.
- LF: +/-18dB shelf or bell filter with variable bandwidth and 7 switchable frequencies.
- HPF: slope of 6dB, 12dB, 18dB, and 24dB per octave, with 5 switchable frequencies.
- LPF: slope of 6dB, 12dB, 18dB, and 24dB per octave, with 5 switchable frequencies.
- Bell filter bandwidth proportional to gain and frequency.
- Symmetrical and asymmetrical modes for boost/cut (bell filter only).
- “American” and “British” shelving modes.
- Output gain +/- 25dB.
- Phase invert at output.
- Optional rudimentary “analog modeling”.
SN04G-Channel-EQ ( 0.8 MB )
SN04G-Channel-EQ_x64 ( 0.9 MB )