Rare is a vintage Pultec emulation.
Rare signature for low end from past. Simply run your all mix or single tracks with magic! Shining highs, burning tubes. True Component & Circuit Modeling
Re-drawing and designing original circuit carefully and emulated original fingerprint of gear with our technology. Carefully designed transformers and tubes. Fully emulated tube program eq.
Totally clean output rom -12 dB to 12 dB. Emulating nothing! Added after tube gain stage and output transformer.
- Low band selectable from 20 Hz to 100 Hz. independent boost cut and famous trick.
- High band selectable from 3 kHz to 16 kHz.
- High cut selectable from 5 kHz to 20 kHz.
- Independent clean output.
AnalogObsession-Rare_32 ( 6.7 MB )
AnalogObsession-Rare_64 ( 6.8 MB )
AnalogObsession-Rare_MacAU ( 14.2 MB )
AnalogObsession-Rare_MacVST ( 14.3 MB )