Chordz Chordz allows you to trigger full chords by playing single notes.Each trigger note is associated with a separate chord. Each chord may consist of …
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Chordz Chordz allows you to trigger full chords by playing single notes.Each trigger note is associated with a separate chord. Each chord may consist of …
MIDI-Mirror MIDI-Mirror does what it says: it mirrors all incoming MIDI notes relative to one mirror note on the MIDI scale. Just play your favorite …
QuicKeys QuicKeys is a piano GUI to control other VSTi’s within your sequencer. You load it up as a regular VSTi or as an effect, …
MidiFripp MidiFripp is a double delay (2 voices), second one can be tuned. It allows repetitives melodies or rhythms in an intuitive way. midiFripp ( …
hypercyclic hypercyclic is an LFO-driven MIDI arpeggiator, gate effect and step sequencer for mangling sustained MIDI input chords, the output of which can then drive …
ChordworX ChordworX takes a single note and triggers up to 7 notes to make up complete chords/arps.There are 98 pre made chords including various inversions …
CC Sequencer CC Sequencer transmits midi control change (CC) data. Think of CC Sequencer as an external LFO, but instead of using regular waveforms such …
Arpimedes Arpimedes is a funky little arpeggiator plugin with adjustable pattern rhythm and speed. You can define the number of octaves it should use and …
PeakFreak PeakFreak is a plugin that converts audio input that falls into a certain frequency and amplitude range into midi notes of a certain length. …
Transition Transition is a generative MIDI sequencer. The basic idea is that bots move through a matrix of cells until they encounter a wall, another …