FB-3300 simulates the KORG PS-3300 polyphonic synthesizer from 1977.
It is written in native C++ code for high performance and low CPU consumption.
- Close emulation of behavior and all controls of the original hardware.
- 3 independent polyphonic synthesizer blocks.
- Band-limited oscillators, classic two-pole lowpass filters.
- Resonators section plus two Modulation Generators per bank.
- Additional Sample & Hold and paraphonic Envelope Generator.
- Semi-modular.
- Micro-tuning option.
- Additional tweaks.
- MIDI Learn – all parameters can be controlled by MIDI CC.
fb3300 ( 1.49 MB )
fb3300_x64 ( 1.54 MB )
fb3300_macau ( 1.49 MB )
fb3300_macvst ( 1.46 MB )