CS-12 Master Channel Strip

CS-12 Master Channel Strip

The mastering workhorse.

  • Bypass
  • In-output gain + reset
  • Pan + wide
  • Invert output
  • Left/right phase invert
  • Phase meter
  • 12 Graphic bands
  • 9 Q settings
  • Clipper + drive
  • Stereo doubler
  • Lopass, Hipass
  • Punch mode
  • NY compressor (soft/hard)+ Knock
  • Tape saturator
  • ReLife recover (C)
  • Low-High Exciters
  • EQ 12-6 dB switch
  • Output 12-6 dB switch
  • 22 presets
  • In-out meters + peakhold. Meters on/off
  • HQ engine – multicore support

YouTube video


cs12-156  ( 1.55 MB )


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