XT-S1 v1.3 WIN

XT-S1 v1.3 WIN

0.8 MB

Virtual analog/FM/digital wave modulation synthesizer with FX.

* 2 x oscillators + noise generator
* Waveform’s: Saw and Square wave’s with 0-100% harmonics (modulate sin -> saw/square), Pulse wave with pulse width modulation, PM wave (octave), SAW2 (phase + octave), SRQSAW wave
* OSC’s detune, phase, coarse and mix
* Cross modulation of frequency (OSC1 -> OSC, and OSC2 back to OSC1), with shape/spectrum control of modulator
* Multi-mode 12dB filter with blend option (low-band-high)
* 3 x LFO to pitch, volume, noise, mix, pan, cutoff, q, phase, PM/FM, wave mod1 and mod2. Mod wheel support in LFO1
* 3 x ENV, MOD env to OSC phase, PM, mod1 and mod2
* Velocity to volume, pan, cutoff, q, phase, PM, mod1 and mod2.
* Random (note on) volume, pan, cutoff, q, phase, PM, mod1, mod2, detune and noise
Master section with mono and mono/poly legato
* FX section with chorus, phaser, tempo synced delay, reverb, waveshaper (foldback) and 3 band EQ (lowpass + highpass)
* 64 preset memory with 2 Factory presets banks included

Demo wav

Demo wav


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XT-S1  ( 0.8 MB )


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