TED LittleArpy 3

TED – LittleArpy


LittleArpy is a monophonic arp/sequencer.
It takes one note as input and shifts it’s pitch according to a sequence, it DOES NOT collect notes from a chord being played and arpeggiate them.
I made this after trying to recreate the “shimmering waterfalls” sound from Ozric Tentacles which can be heard easily on their song Crackerblocks. Unfortunately, it’s difficult to achieve so I made LittleArpy instead.
The shimmering waterfalls sound can be approximated by making a minor or major sounding sequence and running it at fast speeds (1/64-Dot) through delay and a reverb with mostly only the wet signal on, then moving the Bandpass Filter around.

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TED-LittleArpy_32  ( 1.4 MB )

TED-LittleArpy_64  ( 3.1 MB )


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