Sonico is a synth with analog – retro features: keyboard mono, mono output, no velocity.
I made it as a thank to Escuela Sonica (Buenos Aires, Argentina), and it was inspired (is not an emulation) by Torturator, a hardware synth I made in the 80’s with the chip 555.
It operates in Windows XP and Windows 7. (Designed with 32 bits using Synthmaker)
- 1 standard oscillator
- 1 square wave osc with 4 simultaneous octaves
- 2 ENVELOPE generators
- 1 LFO
- 1 filter with 2 simultaneous bands
- “Lead” retro effect
- “Vintager” effect, to give warmth-retro air
Solcito_sonico_2.1_VSTi ( 2.08 MB )