SmallQoo is a 8 voice poly Compact Synth.
- 8 voice polyphonic VSTi (for windows only).
- 1 AntiAliased OSC with flex PWM.
- 1 HP/BP/LP Filter.
- 1 ADSR Env.
- 1 Tempo Syncable LFO with AD Env.
- Delay/Chorus Effect.
OSC Section
- Form(20): WaveForm Select [Rnd/Sin/Tri/Sqr/Saw].
- Tune(21): [-24 to +24].
- PulseWidth(22): Effective for all waveform except for [Rnd].
FILTER Section
- Freq(23): Cutoff.
- Q(24): Resonance.
- Type(25): LPF/BPF/HPF Selection.
ENV Section
- A(26): Attack.
- D(27): Decay.
- S(28): Sustain.
- R(29): Release.
- MOD:Tune(30): ENV Moduration to OSC Tune.
- MOD:Filter(31): ENV Moduration to Filter Freq.
LFO Section
- Form(33): LFO Waveform [Rnd]/[Sin]/[Tri]/[Sqr]/[Ramp]/[Saw].
- Freq(32): LFO Freq. if [Sync] pressed, the LFO is Tempo Synced.
- Sync(34): switch LFO to [Freerun]/[TempoSynced].
- LFOENV:A(35): LFO Envelope Attack.
- LFOENV:D(36): LFO Envelope Decay.
- MOD:Tune(37): LFO to OSC Tune Moduration.
- MOD:PWM(38): LFO to OSC PW Moduration.
- MOD:Filter(39): LFO to Filter Freq Moduration.
- MOD:Amp(40): LFO to Amp Moduration.
EFFECT Section
- DELAY:Time(41): TempoSynced Delay Effect Time.
- DELAY:Lev(42): TempoSynced Delay Effect Level.
- Chorus(43): Chorus Effect Depth.
OTHER Section
- Glide(44): Portament.
- Vol(7): Master Volume.
- Pan(10): Master Pan.
smallqoo102a ( 0.13 MB )