SEGX2 is a smooth dual band expander gate.
SEGX2 operates always with soft knee which starts at the threshold point. Signal above the threshold passes thru unaltered.
- Independent release times for low and high frequency band.
- Adjustable ratio.
- Smooth, soft-knee operation.
- Uses 6dB/oct crossover filters, which are gentle for phase response. Keeps phase response fully unaltered when gate is open.
- The band link control glues the low and high band behavior together. At 100% the operation is similar to a regular wide band expander gate.
- The monitor slider allows monitoring of the detector side chain, which can be used for checking the gated out signal.
- The pre-gate option allows the gate open in advance. This control adds latency. When active, fast transients can pass thru unaltered, thus offering higher quality output.
SEGX2-Gate ( 0.47 MB )
SEGX2-Gate_x64 ( 0.50 MB )