TuxGuitar v.1.2
TuxGuitar v.1.2 With TuxGuitar, you will be able to compose music using the following features: Tablature editor Score Viewer Multitrack display Autoscroll while playing Note …
Download Free VST Plugins
TuxGuitar v.1.2 With TuxGuitar, you will be able to compose music using the following features: Tablature editor Score Viewer Multitrack display Autoscroll while playing Note …
WOK PITCHD PITCHD is a delay plugin with a pitch shifter in the echo path. So each echo is pitched up or down according to …
MilkyTracker MilkyTracker is an open source, multi-platform music application for creating .MOD and .XM module files. It attempts to recreate the module replay and user …
TapeIt 1 Silverspike TapeIt 1 is a VST-Plugin to record audio streams creating wave files in real-time.You can plug TapeIt 1 into your VST host …
Jackson dj mixing v.1.34 Mixing tracks in Jackson is a 2-step process. – Rhytmically analyze the tracks with the included BeatMapper tool. – Mix and …
Classic Compressor v.1.17 Classic Compressor is a classic analog style VST Compressor Plugin with a lot of warmth and punch. Special designed to use on …
Nootka v1 Nootka is an application to help with teaching and learning classical score notation. This application is designed to help you undertstand classical score …
Modern plugins – Special edition v.3.27 Modern amplifier, Modern deep purple, Modern analoger, Modern channel strike, Modern exciter Special Edition is programing with new signal processing …
Electri-Q ‘Electri-Q’ – posihfopit edition’ is a simple, intuitive, but powerful minimum phase EQ, which makes it very easy to adjust the magnitude of any …
Little Funkster Little Funkster is a monophonic lead synthesizer. Main Osc has 7 waveforms. Osc 2 is a fixed Pulsewave with Pulse Width control. Portamento …