Throat Singing
Throat Singing Throat singing is a type of overtone singing in which a singer manipulates the harmonic resonances created as air travels from the lungs, past …
Download Free VST Plugins
Throat Singing Throat singing is a type of overtone singing in which a singer manipulates the harmonic resonances created as air travels from the lungs, past …
The Element of Surprise The Element of Surprise is a fun little virtual analog polysynth that is designed to make really cool randomly generated sounds. …
Harsh Digital Nose Harsh Digital Nose converts 2 images into 2 oscillator waveforms and then mixes them in various horrible ways. You can drag and …
MetroBus MetroBus is a simple metronome plug-in that detects the host’s BPM tempo. This plug-in is handy on to send a click to a drummer for …
Oscine Tract Oscine Tract VST models the songbird vocal tract, also known as the syrinx.  OscineTract ( 1.17 MB ) 761 Views
Rain Rain is a low CPU emulation using subtractive synthesis. rain ( 1.15 MB ) 852 Views
Sounds of old TV games Sounds of old TV games is a VSTi which adds the sound and atmosphere of old tv games recordings to …
Saffron Saffron is a 15 Instruments pack. Saffron_Win32 ( 48.6 MB ) Saffron_Win64 ( 48.7 MB ) Saffron_MacAU ( 52.7 MB ) 725 Views
Amusing sounds of the body Amusing sounds of the body is a VSTi which adds the sound and atmosphere of amusing recordings to your tracks …
Rastabox Emulates classic dub siren sounds and such. 1 oscillator (sine, saw, square, tri) ADSR LFO pitch control (sin, square, square2, saw, tri, halfsine, ellipse, …
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