metamorph is a waveform morphing synth with a bunch of envelopes, LFOs and onboard effects to guarantee movement on even the most vanilla note. Each oscillator can morph through a selection of waveforms in tempo sync or modulated by an envelope. It can also step through the waveforms, make each cycle a new waveform or even just stick with one waveform if you want. Throw in pitch modulation, 5 envelopes, 2 LFO’s, a ring mod / 3rd audio osc, variable state filter, distortion, delay and an arpeggiator and that held note will never sound the same again.
- 2 morphing oscillators with 11 waveforms, 16 morph stages and 5 morphing modes.
- 3rd audio oscillator in combination with ring modulator.
- 2 LFO’s (Filter cutoff, Ring Mod).
- 3 AHSDR envelopes (Amp, Filter, Wavemorph).
- 2 ASR envelopes (both LFO’s).
- Both LFOs have 19 waveforms with adjustable phase and depth and can be synced to note-on messages.
- All 5 envelopes have 13 contours and can be retriggered or free running.
- Pitch can be modulated by any of the 3 ADHSR envelopes or either LFO.
- Pitch can be set to drift, analogue style.
- Variable state filter, 6 modes, up to 4 stages and variable response curve.
- Distortion, 20 modes, wet/dry level and volume control.
- Arpegiator, tempo sync, 6 modes, selectable number of octaves and note length.
- Ring modulation with dedicated LFO, 9 modes, 11 waveforms and wet/dry mix.
- Delay, tempo sync with feedback, damp and wet/dry controls.
- Midi CC and midi learn.
- 40 presets by Runagate.

metamorph ( 1.75 MB )