DvnBitCrusher DvnBitCrusher is a bit crusher effect that offers sample rate reduction down to 200Hz, bit depth reduction, distortion unit and low pass filter, dry/wet mix …
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DvnBitCrusher DvnBitCrusher is a bit crusher effect that offers sample rate reduction down to 200Hz, bit depth reduction, distortion unit and low pass filter, dry/wet mix …
Daft Funk Daft Funk is a glitch accelerator. X-Y panel: X controls speed, Y controls LowPass Filter and volume optionally. Mode: “Pitched” means the wave …
COMPAKT COMPAKT is a simple bit crusher that gets the job done with amazing sound quality. COMPAKT allows you to tune the bit depth, down-sampling, …
freq show freq show screws around with your audio and ouputs an unholy version of whatever you fed it. controls A – choose 1 from …
Bitwerk Bitwerk is a simple bitcrusher stomp box. Low cpu usage Bitwerk ( 0.82 MB ) 711 Views
Oldigy- t Oldigy-t (track) is a low bit analog to digital converter that emulates the sound of old samplers and computers. 32-bit VST-2 plug-in for Windows …
Bit Fluzer Bit Fluzer is similar to a standard bit crusher but featuring two channels with input filters and audio bit reductions modulated by two LFOs. …
Delta Modulator Delta Modulator is a bitcrusher based on a signal modulation technique found in Nintendo NES console’s delta modulation channel. https://xferrecords.com/ DeltaModulator ( 0.17 …
Piconizer Piconizer transforms any sound to old video game NES 8 bit sound. Piconizer provides 6 type of sounds: Sine wave. Square wave. Triangle wave. …
MYFX C64-it MYFX C64-it is a modulated retro bitcrusher, inspired by the C64 chipset sounds. https://theodosynthsarchive.wordpress.com/ myfx_c64it ( 1.57 MB ) 764 Views