Flandersh Tech Tonetta Blue

Flandersh Tech – Tonetta Blue

Tonetta Blue

Tonetta Blue  is a semi-modular 8-voices polyphonic synthesizer.
The frontside spots two type of oscillators, each with 19 waveforms to choose from, analog style filters, curve and LFO modulation, waveshaper, and a convolution reverb.
Turning the back-button reveal a modular environment with internal and additional signal sources and destinations, signal splitter and mixer, step sequencer, S&H, and additional, modular effects.

  • 2 primary sound sources with 19 custom waveforms to choose from.
  • 2 analog style filters.
  • Curve and LFO modulation.
  • Shapeable waveshaper.
  • Convolution reverb, waveshaper, modular EQ, and modular delay.


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Tonetta-Blue  ( 35 MB )


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