REDIUM This is a phase modulation synth. It makes metallic, noisy, science fiction sort of sounds. redium ( 1.21 MB ) 902 Views
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REDIUM This is a phase modulation synth. It makes metallic, noisy, science fiction sort of sounds. redium ( 1.21 MB ) 902 Views
Apad 4.5 size 1.41 MB An analog pad synth. 3 oscilators,detune,oscilator volumes,octave settings,phasemod 3 adsrs 1 per oscilator,adsr filter:lowpass bandpass hipass flanger bmp panner,bpm delay …
Altair 4 size 4.86 MB Altair 4 – The SciFi Sounds Lab is best suited for creating soundtracks for movies or games in the genres …
Texture Texture offers an amazingly wide range of…well…textures. Smooth, odd digital ambiences, metallic rings, synthetic percussion, brutally distorted sounds, classic virtual analog sounds, and even …
Sophia Sophia VSTI is a unique virtual synthesizer that excels in creating intriguing ambiences and modulated sound effects. Sophia ( 5.78 MB ) 1,109 Views
Vurtbox This release contains 32 presets from Vurt and 16 from Tim Conrardy .. Please note that this synth is capable of consuming HIGH levels …
Atmos Atmos is an ambient piano ROMpler. This is a Grand Piano sampled from C2 to C9 and processed with two types of reverb, distortion and …
PAL-9000 PAL-9000 is a noise synth, good for special FX and Sci-Fi stuff. The random sequences generated with PAL-9000 could have a very long evolving …
MX 2008 MX 2008 is a pads and FX synthesizer. GTG-MX2008 ( 0.94 MB ) 994 Views
Alien Artifact Alien Artifact is a VST synth intended to inspire raw sonic creativity. What does it sound like? What does it do? What happens …