ace 3



Ace is a faithful digital emulation of a legendary 1950s, American, all tube, tweed, 5W amp. We have added to the model two of the most common amplifier mods: adjustment of the amount of feedback and addition of grid stopper resistors, both of which can be turned off for the original amp sound.

Simple controls and a conservative CPU usage make ACE easy to use in live settings as well as for re-amping.

  • Accurate modeling of the whole circuit to capture dynamic interactions between amp stages.
  • Authentic 12AX7 and 6V6GT vacuum tube models.
  • Models of the two most common amp mods.
  • Adjustable strength of the input signal with up to 12 dB boost.
  • Cabinet simulation that can be switched on or off.
  • Selectable 2x, 4x, or 8x oversampling.

YouTube video

download win 32 download win 64 download audio unit download free vst

Ace32 ( 1.46 MB )

Ace64  ( 1.63 MB )

Ace-OSX  ( 5.40 MB )


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