KnobKraft Orm

KnobKraft Orm v 2.3.1 WIN MAC

KnobKraft Orm v 2.3.1

110 MB

The KnobKraft Orm – The free modern cross-platform MIDI Sysex Librarian
If you are looking for a modern, free Sysex Librarian for your synth, you have found the right place! This is the place where the KnobKraft Orm is created, a modern cross-platform Sysex Librarian for your MIDI gear.
Questions and help with implementing new synths wanted! Or if you have found a bug, also feel free to report directly here on Github.

Access Virus A, B, Classic, KB, Indigo works native
Access Virus C beta native Thanks to guavadude@gs
Alesis Andromeda A6 works adaptation Thanks to @markusschloesser
Behringer BCR2000 in progess native
Behringer Deepmind 12 works adaptation
Behringer RD-8 in progress adaptation
Behringer RD-9 in progress adaptation
Black Corporation Kijimi beta adaptation Thanks to @ffont and @markusschlosser
DSI Evolver beta adaptation
DSI Mopho works adaptation
DSI Mopho X4 works adaptation
DSI Tetra works adaptation
DSI Pro 2 works adaptation
DSI Prophet 8 works adaptation
DSI Tempest alpha adaptation
DSI/Sequential OB-6 works native
DSI/Sequential Prophet Rev2 works native
DSI/Sequential Prophet 12 works adaptation Thanks to @Andy2No
Electra one works adaptation
Ensoniq ESQ-1/SQ-80 works adaptation Contributed by @Mostelin!
Ensoniq VFX alpha adaptation
Groove Synthesis 3rd Wave works adaptation
John Bowen Solaris beta adaptation Contributed by @conversy!
Kawai K1/K1m/K1r beta adaptation
Kawai K3/K3m works native
Kawai K4 alpha adaptation
Korg 03R/W works adaptation Thanks to Philippe!
Korg DW-6000 works adaptation
Korg DW-8000/EX-8000 works adaptation
Korg Minilogue XD works adaptation Thanks to @andy2no
Korg MS2000/microKORG works adaptation Thanks to @windo
Novation AStation/KStation beta adaptation Thanks to @thechildofroth
Novation Summit/Peak alpha adaptation
Novation UltraNova works adaptation Thanks to @nezetic
Oberheim Matrix 6/6R works adaptation Thanks to @tsantilis
Oberheim Matrix 1000 works native
Oberheim OB-X (Encore) alpha adaptation
Oberheim OB-Xa (Encore) alpha adaptation
Oberheim OB-8 beta adaptation
Oberheim OB-X8 alpha adaptation help needed!
Pioneer Toraiz AS-1 works adaptation Thanks to @zzort!
Roland JX-8P alpha adaptation
Roland Juno-DS in progress adaptation
Roland D-50 in progress adaptation
Roland JV-80/880/90/1000 beta adaptation
Roland JV-1080/2080 beta adaptation
Roland MKS-50 alpha native
Roland MKS-70 (Vecoven) beta adaptation Thanks to @markusschloesser!
Roland MKS-80 works native
Roland XV-3080/5080/5050 works adaptation
Sequential Pro 3 works adaptation
Sequential Prophet 5 Rev 4 works adaptation
Sequential Prophet 6 beta adaptation
Sequential Prophet X works adaptation
Sequential Take 5 beta adaptation
Studiologic Sledge beta adaptation
Waldorf Blofeld beta adaptation
Waldorf MicroWave 1 beta adaptation Thanks to Gerome S!
Waldorf Kyra alpha adaptation Thanks to Edisyn!
Yamaha DX7 beta adaptation
Yamaha DX7II beta adaptation
Yamaha reface DX works adaptation
Yamaha reface CP beta adaptation Thanks to @milnak!
Yamaha TX7 works adaptation Thanks to Gerome S!
Zoom MS Series (50G/60B/70CDR) works adaptation Thanks to @nezetic

Please get back to me if you encounter any issues, or also if you successfully test those marked as alpha or beta. The ones “in progress” are already nearly done and not part of the regular build yet, drop me a note if you want to accelerate.

The adaptations are python scripts for a generic module that let’s you hook up other MIDI gear yourself, much in the spirit of the good old SoundDiver adaptations – at least, scripting the MIDI. No custom UI currently is possible or planned as of now.

So basically everyone who can read the MIDI spec and can do a little scripting could create new adaptations for more devices!

How does it look?
[Disclaimer]: The video shows version 1.0.0, a lot has happened since then. Especially the version 2.0.0 introduced the most sought after feature – bank management!

I made a video to show you the software and the most basic functionality, checkout the YouTube channel for more examples and advanced features as well

YouTube Video

Supported platforms
This software is build and run on Windows 10, macOS 10.15, and several Linux distributions. Note that this is not a commercial project, and as I am using Windows mostly expect some hiccups. But I will get back to you if you report a bug and try to resolve it!

Building your own adaptation for a synthesizer
It is possible to create an adaptation for a new synthesizer that is not yet on the supported device list. For that, you’ll select an existing adaptation that might be close to what you need (e.g. same manufacturer, same device family), and use a text editor to adapt the Python code controlling how to generate the device specific messages required and what to do with the answers from the synth.

If you’re up to that, I have written a whole Programming Guide documenting the required and optional methods to be implemented. To make sure your code works, you can run it through a generic test suite that all adaptations must pass, find more information in the Adaptation Testing Guide, please check it out!)

I know this is not easy, and most importantly new devices also might require capabilities that are not yet part of the Orm, so please don’t hesitate to contact me, I’ll try to help!

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KnobKraft_Orm   ( 110 MB )


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