Uno FM
size 0.9 MB
Uno FM is based on FM synthesis but have a layout similar to old analog models.
Uno FM is no way trying to recreate the classics like DX7 and the likes but to find a little corner of its own with its limited sound capability.
- 8 Note Polyphonic.
- 128 Presets.
- 5 Oscillators: 1 Sine (Carrier). 3 Sine (FM Modulation). 1 Ring Modulation (Various waveforms). OSC Modulation Amount. OSC Tuning, Fine & Vol with readouts. Ring Modulation Amount. OSC MIX (Normal-Ring). Sync On/Off.
- 1 LFO: Speed. Aftertouch. Wheel. VCO.
- 2 ADSR: FM Modulation. VCA. Level out with VU Meter Key Tracking (Fixed). High Pass Filter.
- Effect: Stereo Chorus engine with small delay (0-200 ms). Modulation Depth. Modulation Speed.
- Arpeggio: (lots of features).
- Velocity: (Variable).
- Bend Range 1-12.
- Portamento (Variable).
- Mono (On/Off).
- Retrigger (On/Off).
- Transpose +/- 5 Octaves.
- MIDI Receive Channel.
- 128 Patches.

UnoFM ( 0.9 MB )