shuttle echo 3



Shuttle-Echo is a delay device that focuses on imperfections in the repeats.
Especially good for slap-back stuff & wild echo madness (the delay-time can be modulated).
Shuttle-Echo_extended1.2 (included in the zip) comes with dedicated LFO section for the filter frequency.

  • MONO mode does NOT distort the original stereo-image. Each channel has it’s own delay-chain, in mono-mode they both use the same settings.
  • TIME: delay time.
  • FEEDBACK: amount of repeats.
  • 250 ms/750 ms: maximum delay time.
  • TIME MOD: Modulates the delay time. The slider activates the effect & sets how much the delay time is affected.
  • SINE/S&H: Selects between a sinewave or sample & hold LFO. (sample & hold changes to a random delaytime value at the rate of the speed control).
  • FLUTTER: Pitch modulation effect (applied to the repeats only). The slider activates the effect & sets the mix.
  • SINE/S&H: Selects between a sinewave or sample & hold waveform. (sample & hold creates random pitch changes at the rate of the speed control)
  • FILTER: The slider activates & controls the mix of the filter.
  • FREQ: Cutoff frequency.
  • RES: Resonance.
  • HIGHPASS/LOWPASS: Filter mode.
  • DRIVE: Overdrive (applied to the repeats only). The slider activates & controls the dry/wet mix.
  • DRIVE: amount of drive (waveshape).
  • TRHESH: Threshold. This sets the level where the waveshaping occurs (increases volume with high drive settings).
  • PRE FILTER/POST FILTER: puts the drive-section before or after the filter..

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shuttle-echo  ( 3.16 MB )


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