RedAmption is a versatile and powerful compressor suited for many different tasks.
It is designed to respond as a analog compressor would do. It also has four saturation / distortion modes.
- Switchable gain reduction/ input output meter.
- Feed forward/ backward blend knob.
- Feed forward feed backward / sidechain blend knob.
- Tilt EQ knob to alter tone of envelope follower signal.
- Threshold knob. 0…-24dBfs
- Ratio knob. 1: 1.1…20
- Attack knob. Time 0.1…100 ms
- Release knob. Time 0.04…4 sec
- Stereo, individual left right, mid or side processing buttons.
- Four saturation mode buttons.
- Dry/ wet blend knob.
- Makeup gain knob.
- Off/On switch.
- Ctrl + left mouse click to default knobs.
- Shift + left mouse click and drag to get precise knob movement.
RedAmption ( 3.88 MB )