Transition Transition is a generative MIDI sequencer. The basic idea is that bots move through a matrix of cells until they encounter a wall, another …
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Transition Transition is a generative MIDI sequencer. The basic idea is that bots move through a matrix of cells until they encounter a wall, another …
Sequin Sequin is a monophonic step sequencer made with Synthedit. It can create 1 bar patterns with 8, 12, or 16 steps which are triggered …
Apollo Specifications:– 16 step, dual channel step sequencer– Dual MIDI output channels (A / B) – 16 MIDI Channels– 1-16 steps selectable– Arpeggiator function– Host …
s16 – 16 step sequencer – One sample for the sixteen steps – Controls for each step (direction, octave, semitone, fine, attack, decay, release, filt …
Stepchild Stepchild is a simple VST based 32 step sequencer. It gives you control over a bank of 12 notes. Notes can be assigned individually, …
PolyGrid PolyGrid – MIDI editor and pattern sequencer for Windows. PolyGrid features – 64 patterns, variable pattern length (in beats count) – User-defined grid frequency …
MonoBar size 221 KB AZ Audio has released MonoBar, a simple VSTi midi sequencer for Windows compatible VST hosts. ‘Mono’ because only 1 midi voice …