Synthipop A Frequency Modulation synth with 8 fuzzy, gnarly, skanky presets. Use this synth to put some gin in your tonic. 2 Oscillators (carrier + …
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Synthipop A Frequency Modulation synth with 8 fuzzy, gnarly, skanky presets. Use this synth to put some gin in your tonic. 2 Oscillators (carrier + …
Sinthecyza! Single FM Modulator/Carrier Oscillator synth. 12db SV Filter with Key Follow and Adjustable LP/BP Output 4 Patchable HAHDSR Envelope Generators with LFO Controlled Level and …
GTG FM 4 GTG FM 4 is a FM synth with a different structure. 3 operators with 2 mixable paths each. Lots of cool sounds …
LoFrequencyOrchestra A Frequency Modulation synth with a 5-way controllable LFO.A dark, jagged sound creator with a battered look that suggests it’s survived a house fire. …
Acquitxx11 Acquitxx11 is a FM synth. 4 note polyphonic. 4 oscillators. 2 phasers . 2 flangers. 16 lead and bass sounds. acquitxx11 ( 1.24 …
BALLTEARER BALLTEARER is a 1 op FM synth featuring a Randomator and a Sweeper. BALLTEARERv10 ( 1.59 MB ) 837 Views
DoubleSix DoubleSix is a 6-operator FM synth with 32 DX7 algorithms and 16 4-operator algorithms. 6 operator FM synth with 32 DX7 algorithms and 16 …
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