DEISK-O is a classic monophonic analog synth.
- Single 2 wave oscillator / external signal: Ramp, Pulse, Ext In.
- Pitch bend sensitivity.
- Tune control 1 note + / – tolerance.
- Range: Sub / 64′ / 32′ / 16′ / 8′ / 4′.
- EG Modulation level .
- Modulation delay level – LFO / EG.
- PW/PWM Level slider: selectable EG / LFO / Manual.
- LFO Frequency level.
- LFO Waveform select: S/H / Triangle / Pulse.
- LFO Waveform mix control (selected wave and sine wave).
- White noise.
- Oscillator level.
- Noise level.
- VCF Cutoff level.
- VCF Resonance level.
- KBE – Keyboard enhance.
- LFO level (pitch).
- EG (filter).
- VCA switch – Hold / EG.
- HPF level.
- EG – Envelope Generator ADSR.
- External input level control.
This synth is free and fully functioning. It displays a Nag Tag that can be removed by making a donation.
SamsaraCycleAudio_DEISK-O_nag ( 2.56 MB )