Ample Guitar M Lite II
Ample Guitar M Lite II is a sampled acoustic guitar.
- 866 Samples, 16bit 44.1khz.
- DFD(Direct from disk).
- Controllable Resonance.
- Rich Fingering Noise – more vivid and realistic.
- Finger Instrument libraries to fit different needs.
- Each Cycle & Rhombic Sampling structure – Separate sample cycle for each note and vel layer to improve sample utilization efficiency.
- Sustain, Hammer On & Pull Off, Palm Mute, Popping 5 articulations.
- Capo Logic – Intelligent play according to guitar rules.
- Doubling Guitars – different samples at L & R.
- CPC(Customized Parameters Control) – any button knob etc can be controlled by MIDI CC or Automation.
- Poly Legato.
- Slide Smoother.
- Combined Articulation – combine 2 articulations via pressing 2 keyswitches at the same time.
- Poly Repeater.
- Open String First for playing arpeggio.
- Alternate Tuner.
- Capo – Transpose without need to modify midi.
AGML_2_3_1_Complete_Installer ( 461 MB )
AGML_2_0_2_Installer-mac ( 421 MB )