Clog Boxes

Clog Boxes

Clog Boxes is a sampled woodblock set. This woodblock set features 5 different pitched woodblocks organized in 2 velocity layers.

It contains 10 mono 24 bit samples from the University of Iowa Electronic Music Studios public domain library. Each of them have been used to create another set of stereo samples for the room ambience reverb.

  • 5 woodblocks.
  • 2 velocity layers.
  • Pan and volume controls.
  • Room ambience reverb.
  • Amplitude dynamic range.
  • Master volume.

Clog-Boxes  ( 3.89 MB )

Clog-Boxes_x64  ( 4.06 MB )

Clog-Boxes_MacAU  ( 8.08 MB )

Clog-Boxes_MacVST  ( 8.08 MB )


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